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9.1 惠更斯元的辐射 9.2 平面口径的辐射 9.3 旋转抛物面天线 9.4 卡塞格伦天线
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• 3.1 线性失真及其分析方法 • 3.2 单级放大器的频率响应 • 3.3 多级放大器的频率响应
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Greek Alphabet International System of Units(SI) Definitions of SI Base Units. Names and Symbols for the SI Base Units SI Derived Units with Special Names and Symbols. Units in Use Together with the SI Conversion Constants and Multipliers Recommended Decimal Multiples and Submultiples. Conversion Factors-Metric to English
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Man-Machine Systems 105.2 Several Natures of Man-Machine Control-A Catalog of Behavioral Complexities 105.3 Full-Attention Compensatory Operations--The Crossover model Crossover Frequency for Full-Attention Operations. Remnant Duane Mcruer Effects of Changes in the Task Variables. Effects of Divided 105.1 Introduction
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第一章 数据库系统概述 第二章 数据库建模 第三章 关系模型和关系演算 第四章 数据库语言SQL 第五章 查询优化与并发控制 第六章 关系数据库设计理论 第七章 数据库设计 第八章 SQL系统环境 第九章 面向对象查询语言
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第一章 多项式 第二章 行列式 第三章 线性方程组 第四章 矩阵 第五章 二次型 第六章 线性空间
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100 Control Systems W.L. Brogan, G.K. F. Lee, A P Sage, B.C. Kuo, C L. Phillip R D. Harbor, R.G. Jacquot, J.E. McInroy D P. Atherton, J.S. Bay W.T. Baumann, M-Y Chow Models. Deynamic Response. Frequency Response Methods: Bode Diagram Approach RootLocus.compensation.DigitalControlSystems.nonlinear Optimal Control and Estimation. Neural Control
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数字式传感器能把被测的模拟量直接转换成数字量。 与模拟传感器相比的特点是抗干扰能力强稳定性强;易 于微机接口便于信号处理和实现自动化测量
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Command, Control, and Communications(C3) G. Clapp Ocean Surveillance Center 103.3 The Technologies of C 103.4 The Dynamics of Encounters D. Sworder 103.5 The Role of the human Decisionmaker in C3 University of California, San Diego 103.6 Summary 103.1 Scope The focus of this chapter is not a detailed profile of a current or planned military C system but it is rather on programmatic reorderings render such express descriptions to become rapidly
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1.轨道角动量和自旋角动量的合成 实际的电子既有轨道角动量也有自旋角动量,这二者的矢量和称为它的总角动量
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