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Incidence Thyroid hormone deficiency may:or acquired Congenital: most cases are hypoplasia or aplasia of the thyroid gland
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Short stature Below the 3rd percentile or -2SD than that of his or her peers Short stature has many causes, the pathologic short stature should be suspected in children who have an abnormal growth velocity or who are significantly short for their family
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Ceneral Considerations Definition 多病原多因素引起的大便性质 改变,大便次数增加的一组常见疾病 儿科 Pediaercse学
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1.小儿体液的总量 年龄越小,水分的比例越大. 体液的总量在新生儿为80% 年长儿为65% 成人为60%
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Introdution Morbidity and mortality The compromised host of the neonates in immunology Pathogens for clinical consideration Clinical manifestation Antibiotic therapy
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Definition Rickets is the term signifying a failure in mineralization of growing bone or osteoid tissue
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Preventive and clinical medicine s Protect and promote children as follows: 1. physical and psychosocial health 2. social adaptive abilities
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Important to notice Recognize neonates with different gestational age(GA) General care for the neonates Special risks of the prematures and LBWI Importance of the initial examination after birth
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概述 在过去的几年中,万维网(Web)技术的飞速 发展融汇了大量的信息,从商品广告到人才招 聘;从学术交流到娱乐新闻万维网提供了 一个可以轻松驾驭的图形化用户界面,以查阅 因特网上的文档,这些文档以及它们之间的链 接一起构成了一个庞大的信息网
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一、表面解剖 二、血管:股A及其分支;大隐V 三、神经:腰丛的分支;骶丛的分支 四、臀部:境界、层次、梨状肌上下孔、坐骨小孔
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