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《国际贸易实务》课程教学资源(国际惯例)2000年国际贸易术语解释通则(英文版)International Rules for the Interpretations of Trade Terms 2000
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一、链烷烃的命名 二、环烷烃的命名 三、烯烃和炔烃的命名 四、芳香烃的命名 五、烃衍生物的系统命名 六、烃衍生物的普通命名 七、有机金属化合物的命名 八、杂环化合物的命名 九、糖的命名 十、氨基酸和多肽的命名
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The foreign exchange(Forex)includes means of payments and assets denominated in foreign currency for international settlement
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有机化合物种类繁多,数目庞大,即使同一分子式,也有不同的异构体,若没有一个 完整的命名(nomenclature)方法来区分各个化合物,在文献中会造成极大的混乱,因此认 真学习每一类化合物的命名是有机化学的一项重要内容。现在书籍、期刊中经常使用普通命 名法和国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)命名 法, 后者简称 IUPAC 命名法
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有机化合物种类繁多,数目庞大,即使同一分子式,也有不同的异构体,若没有一个 完整的命名(nomenclature)方法来区分各个化合物,在文献中会造成极大的混乱,因此认 真学习每一类化合物的命名是有机化学的一项重要内容。现在书籍、期刊中经常使用普通命 名法和国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)命名 法, 后者简称 IUPAC 命名法
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despair. Suddenly there was a flash of light in the distance. It was from the PLAs life raft. No light in the world was warmer the terrified victims, it was the glimmer of hope and the sunshine of love As for the best way to show love, the picture,I think, can still help a lot. Now
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国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund, IMF)与世界银行合称为“布雷顿森 林机构”,是战后货币合作、金融合作 、经济合作的产物,与关税与贸易总协 定(General Ageement on Tariff and Trade, 简称GATT,1999年起正式改称为世界贸 易组织,World Trade Organization,简称 WTO)共同构成了战后国际经济秩序的三 大支柱
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25.1 国际投资 25.2 世界股票市场 25.3 国际分散化 25.4 汇率风险 25.5 消极与积极的国际投资 25.6 因素模型与国际投资 25.7 世界资本市场的均衡
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I. Market Failure Market Power Externalities Public Goods Incomplete Information II. Rent Seeking III. Government Policy and International Markets
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Richard Posner wrote in 1986 that the law and economics movement is “perhaps the most important development in legal thought in the last quarter century.”0 Through its application of economic theories and methodologies to legal issues, this movement has revolutionized our understanding of many areas of common law and statutory regulation. Curiously, however
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