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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Metabolic pathways and metabolic control mechanisms 5.3 The industrial production of citric acid 5.4 The production of other TCA cycle intermediates 5.5 The industrial production of itaconic acid
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Efficiency of growth and product formation 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Growth stoichiometry 3.2 Relationships between product formation and growth 3.3 Determination of maintenance energy requirement and maximum biomass yield
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An introduction to biotechnological innovations in the chemical industry 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Production processes 1.3 Choice of production process
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共同特点: 有包膜的球形病毒,80-120nm, 基因组为单股RNA二聚体,核心有逆 转录酶,复制通过DNA中间体,能与 宿主细胞DNA整合
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呼吸道病毒概念: 能侵犯呼吸道并引起呼吸道,感染的病毒称为呼吸道病毒
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第一节真菌 第ニ节藻类 第三节原生动物
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第一节 水体自净 第二节 微生物脱氮工艺原理及其微生物 第三节 微生物除磷工艺原理及其微生物
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第一节 碳循环 第二节 氮循环
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第一节 微生物的遗传 第二节 微生物的变异 第三节 菌种保藏
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第一节 微生物的生长繁殖
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