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一、概述 GIS 的开发建设和应用是一项系统工程,涉及到系统的最优设计、最优控制运行、最优 管理,以及人、财、物资源的合理投入、配置和组织等诸多复杂问题。需要运用系统工程、 软件工程等的原理和方法,结合空间信息系统的特点进行实施建设。GIS 的用户不要认为购 置了 GIS 硬软件就已大功告成
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Project management encompasses all the activities needed to plan and execute a project: Deciding what needs to be done Estimating costs Ensuring there are suitable people to undertake the project
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Definition: Design is a problem-solving process whose objective is to find and describe a way: —To implement the system’s functional requirements... —While respecting the constraints imposed by the non-functional requirements... - including the budget
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10 Stakeholder reactions to situations particular type of work. On the other hand, he or she may be relieved about not being put out of wort i a)*. The user may be disappointed, since he or she might be looking forward to no longer having to do ince many people believe that software systems are easy to develop; they underestimate the complexity of tasks that are to be automated
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The Unified Modelling Language is a standard graphical language for modelling object oriented software At the end of the 1980s and the beginning of 1990s, the first object￾oriented development processes appeared The proliferation of methods and notations tended to cause
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Software engineers should avoid re-developing software already developed Types of reuse: Reuse of expertise Reuse of standard designs and algorithms
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Software is intangible Hard to understand development effort Software is easy to reproduce Cost is in its development —in other engineering products, manufacturing is the costly stage
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一、名词解释 1、会计电算化 2、软件工程 3、快速原型法 4、甩帐
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1. 为什么要使用设计模式 要真正掌握软件设计,必须研究软件设计大师的成功设计,这些设计中 包含了许多设计模式。 定义:一个设计模式是对某特定环境下的某类问题 的解决方法。 使用设计模式的好处:
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1. 什么是配置图 配置图(deployment diagram)也称部署图、实施图: 配置图可以用来显示系统中计算结点的拓扑结构和 通信路径与结点上运行的软件组件等。 配置图是对OO系统物理方面建模的两个图之一。 一个系统模型只有一个配置图,常用于分布式系统 建模
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