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I.常用词组 add up to 总计达;相等于某事物 all walks of life 各行各业 anything but 根本,决不 a real bargain
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Chapter Three Telecommunication Technology Chapter Study Tasks (3) In this chapter, you will be able to Identify the key concepts of telecommunication -Learn the basics of data and serial communications -Get the general ideas of the text and the extensive reading -Complete all the practice required
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Chapter Five Microform Technology Chapter Study Tasks (5) In this chapter, you will be able to Get the general idea of microform technology Identify the uses of Microforms Get the general ideas of the texts and extensive readings -Complete all the practice required
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第一天[2003.02.14. abandon vt.抛弃,离弃 The cruel man abandoned his wife and child. 那个狠心的男人遗弃了妻儿。 vt.放弃 They had abandoned all hope. 他们不再抱任何希望
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The lines plan;fairing A lines plan, usually 1/48 lifesize scale drawing of a ship, is used by designers to calculate required hydrostatic, stability, and capacity conditions. Full-scale drawings formerly were obtained from the lines plan by redrawing it full size and preparing a platform of boards called a \scrive board\showing the length and shape of all frames and beams. Wood tem plates were then
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报考专业:国际金融考试科目:国际金融 说明:用英语命题和答题 attention all questions must be answered in english 1. explain the following term 30 points) (1)joint intervention (2)hultiple currency reserve system (3) free convertibility (4)exchange equalization fund (5) spot exchange dealings (6) international liquidi (7) interest rate swap
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本章主要介绍的基础命令:新建New丶打开 Open、关闭 Close丶保存Save丶另存 save as 退出Exit、图形界限 Limits丶缩放Zoom 、平移Pan丶航空/鸟瞰视图 Aerial View丶重 画 Redraw丶刷新 ReenRegen丶全部刷新 All 、图层 Layer丶颜色 Color、线型 Linetype 线型比例 Ltscale、线型宽度 Lineweight单 位 Units等
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Eco514 Game Theory Problem Set 1: Due Friday, September 30 oTE: On the“ethics”of problem sets Some of the theoretical exercise I will assign are actually well-known results; in other cases, you may be able to find the answer in the literature. This is certainly the case for the current problem set. My position on this issue is that, basically, if you look up the answer somewhere, it's your problem. After all, you can buy answer keys to most textbooks... The fact is, you will not
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 14: General Extensive Games Marciano Siniscalchi November 10, 1999 Introduction [By and large, I will follow OR, Chapters 11 and 12, so I will keep these notes to a minimum.] Games with observed actions and payoff uncertainty Not all dynamic models of strategic interaction fit within the category of games with observed actions we have developed in the previous lectures. In particular, no allowance was made
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.Unsteady, aperiodic motion in which all three velocity components fluctuate→ mixing matter, momentum, and energy. Decompose velocity into mean and fluctuating parts:
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