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第一节树的类型定义 A为“根 T1、T2和T3都是一棵树,称为A的子树 称根和子树根之间的连线为“分支” 结点分支的个数定义为“结点的度”,如结点 B的度为2,D的度为3
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第一节树的类型定义 A为“根” T1、T2和T3都是一棵树,称为A的子树。 称根和子树根之间的连线为“分支” 结点分支的个数定义为“结点的度”,如结点B 的度为2,D的度为3
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5.1循环语句概述 5.2for语句 while和语句 5.3直到型循环do- while语句 5.4 breakcontinue语句与语句 5.5应用举例良好的源程序书写习惯—注释(续)
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基本术语 二叉树的类型定义 二叉树的重要特性 二叉树遍历(Binary Tree Traversal) 森林与二叉树的转换 二叉树的类定义 二叉树前序遍历非递归算法 二叉树中序遍历非递归算法 应用二叉树遍历的事例 线索二叉树 寻找当前结点在中序下的后继 哈夫曼树(Huffman Tree)与哈夫曼编码 构造哈夫曼树(以二叉树为例)
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void tsmatr ix Add( TSMatrix A, TSMatr ix B, TSMatr ix&C)//三元组 表示的稀疏矩阵加法 C. mu=A. mu: C nu=A. nu C tu=0 pa=1;pb=1;pc=1; for(x=1;x<=A.mu;x+)//对矩阵的每一行进行加法 while(A data lpal. i
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CHAPTER 3Lists S1 Abstract Data Type (ADT) Definition Data Type Objects Operations Example】int={0,±1,±2,…,IT_MAX,IT_MIN} +,-,×,÷,%,…} 【 Definition】 An Abstract Data Type(adt) is data type that is organized in such a way that the specification on the objects and specification of the
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7.1 基本概念 7.2 三种O(n2)的简单排序 7.3 Shell排序 7.4 基于分治法的排序 7.5 堆排序 7.6 分配排序和基数排序 7.7 排序算法的理论和实验时间代价 7.8 排序问题的下限
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CHAPTER 4 Stacks and Queues SI The stack adt 1. ADT A stack is a Last-In-First-Out(LIFO)list, that is. an ordered list in which insertions and deletions are made at the top only Objects: A finite ordered list with zero or more elements
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2.1 线性表(linear list) 2.2 顺序表—向量(Sequential list— vector ) 2.3 链表(Linked list) 2.4 线性表实现方法的比较 2.5 栈(Stack) 2.6 队列(Queue)
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Definition A tree is a collection of nodes. The collection can be empty: otherwise, a tree consists of (1) a distinguished node r, called the root; (2)and zero or more nonempty(sub)trees T1,., Tk, each of whose roots are connected by a directed edge from r Note:
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