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Sorting: There is a series of data in random order, we sort them depending a certain key word Datalist: an finity set of data waiting to be sorted Key: data object has many attribute areas, namely there are many data element, one of all these elements can be used to distinguish object, we use it as sorting key. we also call it sorting code
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Sorting: There is a series of data in random order, we sort them depending a certain key word. Datalist: an finity set of data waiting to be sorted. Key: data object has many attribute areas, namely there are many data element, one of all these elements can be used to distinguish object, we use it as sorting key. we also call it sorting code
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【Definition】An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a data type that is organized in such a way that the specification on the objects and specification of the operations on the objects are separated from the representation of the objects and the implementation on the operations
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1 Equivalence Relations 【Definition】A relation R is defined on a set S if for every pair of elements (a, b), a, b S, a R b is either true or false. If a R b is true, then we say that a is related to b
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string is composed ofn(20) characters in an orderly sequence recorded as s:“c1C2C3…Cn” S is string name c123n is value is a character n is string length Such as,S=“ TSinghua University
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10-2 设有 10000 个记录对象, 通过分块划分为若干子表并建立索引, 那么为了提高搜索效 率, 每一个子表的大小应设计为多大?
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2-1 设 n 个人围坐在一个圆桌周围,现在从第 s 个人开始报数,数到第 m 个人,让他出局;然后从出 局的下一个人重新开始报数,数到第 m 个人,再让他出局,……,如此反复直到所有的人全部出局为 止。下面要解决的 Josephus 问题是:对于任意给定的 n, s 和 m,求出这 n 个人的出局序列。请以 n = 9, s = 1, m = 5 为例,人工模拟 Josephus 的求解过程以求得问题的解
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7.1 基本概念 7.2 三种O(n2)的简单排序 插入排序 直接插入排序 二分法插入排序 冒泡排序 选择排序 7.3 Shell排序 7.4 基于分治法的排序 快速排序 归并排序 7.5 堆排序 7.6 分配排序和基数排序 7.7 各种排序算法的理论和实验时 间代价 7.8 排序问题的下限
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1.答:特点:集成度高、速度快、功耗低、价格便宜、可靠性高、使用方便。内存 有两种:随机存取存储器 RAM,只读存储器 ROM。一般的 RAM 芯片,关闭电源后所存 信息将全部丢失。它通常用来暂存运行的程序和数据。在计算机运行期间只能读出存储的 信息而不能用通常的方法将信息写入
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1 路面不平度的功率谱通常把相对基准平面 的高度q ,沿着道路走向长度l的变化q(l) 称为 道路纵(断面)曲线或不平度函数。 根据测量的路面不平度随机数据,在计算机 上处理得到路面不平度功率谱 或方 差 2
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