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Introduction Many policies center around whether the tax burden is distributed fairly. Not as simple as analyzing how much in taxes each person actually paid, because of tax-induced changes to price
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8.1 随机决策问题的基本特点 8.2 随机性决策问题的基本分析方法 8.3 先验信息和主观概率 8.4 贝叶斯分析方法
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What's Special About Health Care? Health care costs are large and growing fast Number of reasons why First Welfare Theorem may be violated Poor information(physician induced demand) Adverse selection and moral hazard Disease externalities
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Social Insurance Programs Generally share 4 characteristics: Participation is mandatory Eligibility and benefits depend on prior contributions Benefits begin with an identifiable occurrence Programs are not means-tested
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)Note on the Correlation of First Differences of Averages in a Random Chain
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)Mutual Fund Performance
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)a simple model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)an intertemporal capital asset pricing model
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《投资学原理 Investments》课程教学资源(阅读资料)brownian motion in the stock market
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