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More reactive than benzene toward electrophilic substitution NO2 An deactivating group Less reactive than benzene toward electrophilic substitution Ortho-para director Meta director
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The most characteristic reactions of benzenoid arenes are the substitution reactions that occur when they react with electrophilic reagents. The electrophiles are either a positive ion (E+) or some other electron-deficient species with a large partial positive charge
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A UV-Vis spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed at each wavelength of the UV and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. λmax— the wavelength of maximum absorption
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第一节 概述 第二节 病原微生物的致病作用——细菌性传染机制 第三节 非特异免疫 第四节 特异性免疫 第五节 免疫学的应用 第六节 免疫学方法
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Conjugated unsaturated systems have a p orbital on a carbon adjacent to a double bond The p orbital can come from another double or triple bond The p orbital may be the empty p orbital of a carbocation or a p orbital with a single electron in it (a radical)
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10.7 The Geometry of Alkyl Radicals 10.8 Reactions That Generate Tetrahedral Stereocenters 10.9 Radical Addition to Alkenes: TheAnti-Markovnikov Addition ofHydrogen Bromide
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10.3 The Reactions of Alkanes with Halogens 10.3 A Multiple Substitution Reactions Versus Selectivity 10.4 Chlorination of Methane:Mechanism of Reaction
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促进儿童早期综合发展 优化儿童体格发育 抓住生长发育的关键期科学育儿 各系统机能协调 体能发展良好 体能测试与训练 生活制度 人类必须的营养素 膳食质量评价 食谱平衡性检验 安全管理是托幼机构管理的头等大事 现代安全管理策略 儿童意外伤害的现场急救
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一、课程目标 本课程是为继续教育学院开设的研究生课程,旨在介绍计算机图形学的基本概念、理 论、方法和系统,既向学生传授图形学的经典方法和最新成果,也注重培养学生动手实践 能力。本课程课堂学习 48 学时
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