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一、数据类型 二、运算符和表达式
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一、概述 二、组成与功能 1 外生殖器 2 内生殖器
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一、绪论 1 什么是胚胎学 2 人胚发育分期 3 分支学科 4 先天性畸形
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一、蛋白质合成的分子基础 二、翻译的步骤 三、蛋白质的运输及翻译后修饰
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7.1螺纹联接的基本知识 7.2螺纹联接的预紧和防松 7.3单个螺栓联接的强度计算 7.4螺栓组联接的设计与受力分析 7.5提高螺栓联接强度的措施 7.6滑动螺旋传动简介
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Medical genetics a chromosome is the visible state of genetic material during a phase of the division of the cell (metaphase)
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Medical genetics Any type of change in the chromosome structure or number (deficiencies, duplications, translocations, inversions, etc.)
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Medical genetics Multifactorial inheritance is of individuals that will need speclar responsible for the greatest numbe care or hospitalization because of genetic diseases
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Medical genetics Mitochondria are extremely small (from.002-008 millimeters in length) rice-shaped structures whose details can only be seen with the electron microscope
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Medical genetics What is a population from a genetic perspective? A population in the genetic sense, is not just a group of individuals, but a breeding group
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