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Background Carbon monoxide( co)is a colorless odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous material CO is formed as a by-product of burning organic compounds
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(一)掌握镇静催眠药中毒的处理要点 (二)熟悉镇静催眠药中毒的临床表现。 (三)了解镇静催眠药病因分类和镇静催眠药中毒的发病机理
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What is rA? Y RA is a chronic polyarticular inf lammatory arthritis that involves not only small joints of the hands and feet but also systemic organs Y Pathologic change: chronic synovitis with pannus (IfL
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1.熟悉本病的发病机制和病理,着重肺动脉高压形成的机制 2.掌握慢性肺源性心脏病代偿期与失代偿的临床表现、诊断方法及急性加重期的具体治疗措施 3.了解本病是以肺功能不全为基本矛盾的全身病变及本病预防措施
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1熟悉肺癌的主要病因与分类。 2掌握肺癌的临床表现、分期与早期诊断 3掌握肺癌的主要治疗原则
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1.掌握本病各型的临床要点和诊断表现以及治疗方法 2.熟悉本病鉴别诊断、并发症、影响急性胰腺炎预后因素 3.了解本病的发展规律、常见病因、病理分型、预防方法
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General Considerations Disorders of hemostasis defects in platelet number or function problems in fibrin clot(coagulation) Bleeding due to platelet disorders is typically mucosal or dermatologic include epistaxis, gum bleeding menorrhagia, gastrointestinal bleeding purpura, and petechiae
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General Considerations Disorders of hemostasis defects in platelet number or function problems in fibrin clot (coagulation) Bleeding due to platelet disorders is typically mucosal or dermatologic include epistaxis, gum bleeding, menorrhagia, gastrointestinal bleeding, purpura, and petechiae
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一、Types of lupus Discoid Systemic Drug -induced-
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1.掌握系统性血管炎(巨细胞动脉炎、大动脉 炎、结节性多动脉炎、显微镜下多血管炎、 韦格氏肉芽肿、变异性肉芽肿性血管炎、白赫切特病)的临床表现、实验室检查及血清 免疫学检测临床意义。 2.熟悉系统性血管炎病的诊断依据、治疗原则 3.了解血管炎病的特点、分类、发病机制及病 理学特征
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