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1、掌握:病毒的结构,化学组成与作用。 2、熟悉:病毒增殖的方式;病毒复制的五个阶段;病毒对理化因素的抵抗力。 3、了解:病毒的大小与形态;病毒生物合成的基本步骤丶病毒复制的异常现象
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呼吸道病毒概念: 能侵犯呼吸道并引起呼吸道,感染的病毒称为呼吸道病毒
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共同特点: 有包膜的球形病毒,80-120nm, 基因组为单股RNA二聚体,核心有逆 转录酶,复制通过DNA中间体,能与 宿主细胞DNA整合
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1.2 Atomic bonding Bonding forces and energies FF net force attractive force repulsive force
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2.5 Indices of crystal planes and directions I What's crystal planes anddirect ions? The atomic planes anddirections passing through the crystal arecalled(crystal) planes and directionsrespectively
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4. Rule for elongation or reduction of R D All R.D. in the region where K1 and K2 makes an obtuse(acute) angle will increase (reduce) its length after twinning
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2.7 Some Important Crystallographic Formulas 1. Zone and zone equation All Planes parellel to common axis [uvw] constitute a (crystal) zone, the [u v w] zone. If (h k l) belongs to zone [u v w], then hukv+=0 2.ifhuk+hw=0,then[uvw] lies in(hk) 3. For cubic crystals, [h (h k)
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1. Sing le crystal ver sus po l crystal 1. For single crystals there is only one type of structure with same orientation Single crystals is characterized by anisotropy 2. Polycrystal consists of a lot of grain, small single crystals, With same structure but different orientations. These small single crystals are called grains. The boundaries between them are called grain boundaries
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Paulings three rules governing the structure of ionic compounds 1. Anion Coordination polyhedron rule Each cation is surrounded by an anion polyhedron, the distance between anion and cation is r=rt tr, while the cn depends on rt/r
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1. Deformation process of polycrystalline materials Deformation process of industrial material consists of three stages Elastic. which is reversible
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