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5.4 Land degradation--Soil erosion (1) Types of land degradation (2) Classification of soil erosion (3) Climate and soil erosion (4) Soil erosion models (5) Erosion and productivity (6) Rainfall factor for soil erosion model
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一、气象常识 1.大气层:包围在地球表面的空气层。 气象学中,根据空气温度随高度垂直分布的特征,由地面向上,将空气分为:对流层、平流层、中间层、电离层、外大气层
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一.土壤卫生的意义 土壤的物理、化学及生物学特性会不同程度地影响以下几个方面: 1.水体、空气的质量 A.使水体的化学性状及微生物指标发生变化; B.土壤潮湿或沼泽化会使空气湿度增大;使有机物厌氧分解使空气中的有害气体增加。 C.冬季寒冷、夏季炎热,且家畜易发生疾病(感冒及风湿性疾病)
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1、对偶原理的内容 电路中某些元素之间的关系(或方程)用它们 的对偶元素对应地置换后,所得的新关系(或新方程) 也一定成立,后者和前者互为对偶,称为对偶原理。 可以从一个元件的有关公式通过代换,导出另一 个元件的相应公式,这种方法称为对偶法; 可以互相代换的元素称为对偶元素; 可以实施对偶元素代换的两个公式称为对偶公式
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Chap. 6 Climate/Change Impact methods Index, variables Statistical methods GCMs with downscaling
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Chap. Climate/Change and Land Resources 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Assessment of land resources 5.3 Land productivity 5.4 Land degradation --Soil erosion
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Chapter 3 3.4 Crop growth and its modeling 3.4.1 Components of plant growth 3.4.2 Empirical models 3.4.3 Process-based models 3.4.4 Case studies Date
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Chap. Climate/Change and Agriculture 3.1 Environment and plant growth 3.2 Inventory of climate resources 3.3 Plant growth and crop growth models 3.4 Impacts of climate changes on agriculture
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Chapter 3 Chap. Climate/Change and Agriculture 3.1 Environment and plant growth 3.2 Inventory of climate resources 3.4 Plant growth and crop growth models 3.5 Impacts of climate changes on agriculture
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Course for graduate students Goals of the course Understanding of basic theories on impacts of climate/changes Knowing of basic tools or methods on assessment of climate/change impacts Applications in your interested field studies
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