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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:2007 B O Z Boarding-Step by Step
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:2007 B O Boarding at the Speed of Flight
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:2007 A O What to Feed a Gerrymander
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:2007 A O Applying Voronoi Diagrams to the Redistricting Problem
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:2007 A H Genetic Algorithm for Non-Partisan Legislative Districting
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:03A You Too Can Be James Bond
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Introduction Fundamentals of LC VCOs On-chip inductors Varactors and F-V tuning curve Optimization of LC VCOs Techniques of lowering phase noise Design examples Conclusion and prospect
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