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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献:4.Deb, Partha and Pravin K. Trivedi_The Struture of Demand for Health Care:Latent Class versus Two-Part Models 2002
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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献:13.Guy Carrin_Designing health financing policy towards universal coverage 2007
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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献:11.J.D. Kleinke_Dot-gov market failure and the creation of a national health information technology system 2005
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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献:10.Victor R. Fuchs and Ezekiel J.Emanuel_Health Care Reform:Why What When What it might take to effect comprehensive change 2005
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《卫生经济学》课程参考文献:1.Arrow_uncertainty and the wealfare economics of medical care 1963
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一、关于血压水平的定义和分类 二、关于危险度分层 三、关于卫生经济学 四、关于用药问题
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:2.09MB 文档页数:136
《卫生经济学》课程参考文献(WHO年度报告):World Health Report 1999 Making a Difference
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:7.11MB 文档页数:235
《卫生经济学》课程参考文献(WHO年度报告):World Health Report 2006 Working together for health
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:3.07MB 文档页数:139
《卫生经济学》课程参考文献(WHO年度报告):World Health Report 2008 Primary Health Care Now More Than Ever
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