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第一节 系统分析的主要目标和活动 第二节 结构化系统分析方法和工具 第三节 系统分析阶段各项活动的内容 第四节 系统分析中的信息收集 第五节 结构化信息系统分析实例
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Concept Question Which of the following statements is correct? Uo=U for ALL elastic materials(1 Uo=OijEij-U0 ONLY for linear elastic materials Jo=-ijEii for a nonlinear elastic material Statements(1) and 3)
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第一节 基于WEB的信息系统开发概述。 第二节 基于WEB的信息系统软件运行环境。 第三节 基于WEB的信息系统开发技术。 第四节 基于WEB的信息系统安全。 第五节 基于WEB的信息系统开发工具。 第六节 基于WEB的信息系统的发展。 第七节 远程销售管理系统开发案例
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Which of the following statements is correct? 1. The PVD only applies to linear elastic materials 2. The PVD applies only to elastic materials, but they can be linear or non-linear 3. The PVD applies regardless of the constitutive behavior of the material
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Unit #10- Principle of minimum potential energy and Castigliano's First Theorem Principle of minimum potential energy The principle of virtual displacements applies regardless of the constitutive law. Restrict attention to elastic materials(possibly nonlinear). Start from the Pvd
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Constitutive Law(6 equations, O unknowns) C Bound dary conditions of two types Traction or natural boundary conditions: For tractions t imposed on the portion of the surface of the body aBt Displacement or essential boundary conditions: For displacement
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For the potato-shaped body given in class to explain the concept of stress, the field of stress vectors t(n)=t(n)(x)on the plane of normal n given by its cartesian components(1,0, 0) known and its cartesian components are given by the expression
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The work of the external forces in the spring system of the figure is given by W=B*(U1+U2+U3)(2) W=P1*U1+P2米U2+B米U3(3) None of the above statements
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How can the paradox with the spring be plained? In other words, which of the following statements is true 1. Equilibrium can be derived from the equiv alence of the external and the internal work 2. Equilibrium is an artifact of our imagina- tion
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What new element is Castigliano s Theorem introducing? 1. None, it's just a particular case of the PMPE 2. It's a totally different principle that allows to obtain solutions of elasticity problems with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency in- cluding relativistic effects
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