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We assume=Im cos(t+a)i=Im cos(ot+B) The phase angle by which the voltage leads
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《电路》(英文版)9-1 Instantaneous power
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8-2 Superposition, source transformation and Thevenin's theorem Superposition:
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We define the ratio of the phasor voltage to the phasor current as impedance
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sinusoidal current or voltage at a given frequency is characterized by only two parameters an amplitude and a phase angle. The complex representation of the voltage or current is also characterized by these same two parameters
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The effective value of any periodic current is equal to the value of the direct current which flowing through a resistance R, delivers the same power to r as periodic current does
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In either case, leading or lagging, we say that sinusoids are out of phase () if phase angles equal they are said to be in phase(同相)
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The over-damped response---- i()= A,+A, The critically-damped response-- i(t) =e (At+A2) The under-damped- response---it)e-(b1 cos+2 sino)
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The complete response=the natural response+forced response
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The series combination of a resistor and capacitor has a greater practical importance than does the combination of a resistor and an inductor
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