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第一节电子政务的概念 第二节电子政务的产生与发展 第三节电子政务模式类型与应用 第四节电子政务系统的结构 第五节电子政务系统的建设
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一、饮料和软饮料的概念 1、饮料 硬饮料:酒精饮料,含酒精饮料,如:啤酒,香槟软饮料:非酒精饮料,无酒精饮料,如:碳酸饮料果汁饮料,可含<0.5%酒精作香料溶剂,另外发酵饮料可能产生微量酒精
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一、焙烤食品的概念 焙烤食品是指以谷物为主原料,采用焙烤加工工艺定型和熟制的一大类食品。 二、焙烤食品的历史和现状 我国焙烤食品的加工,近年不管是从加工工艺方面或是品种方面都有了较大的发展,特别是面包、饼干
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一、香肠加工的工艺流程 原料肉的选择→切块→腌制→绞肉/斩拌→拌馅→填充/结扎→发酵→烟熏→蒸煮→干燥。 二、加工过程的质量控制 1.原料肉的选择 原料肉一般以猪肉、牛肉、犊牛肉为主。绵羊肉因其肉质较硬,有独特的膻味,价格较贵,所以作为加工原料受限制兔肉和鸡肉应用的比较也较小。选择经兽医卫生检验合格的肉为原料。选择腿肉和臀肉为最好,因为这些部位的肌肉组织多、结缔组织少,肥肉一般选用背部的皮下脂肪
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一、中式腌腊肉制品 原料肉经腌制(有的还要进行酱制)、晾晒(或烘烤)等工艺加工而成的肉类制品。腌腊肉制品包括咸肉类 和腊肉类。咸肉类由原料肉经腌制加工而成,如咸水鸭。腊肉类由原料肉经预处理(修整或切丁)、腌制、 脱水、成熟而成,有特有的腊香味。如中式火腿、中式腊肠、腊猪肉、腊兔、板鸭等。其中,中式火腿是用 猪的前、后腿肉经腌制、洗晒、整形、发酵等加工而成的腌腊制品,它分三种:南腿,以金华火腿为代表:
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台湾现代文学的发展 日据时期 光复后 (一)反共八股泛滥和怀乡文学流行时期 (二)“现代主义文学”的鼎盛时期 (三)70年代台湾乡土文学繁荣时期 (四)8、90年代文学的多元化、后现代和消费化倾向
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在数学分析中,我们学习过微积分基 本定理 Newton-Leibniz-公式: f(x)dx=fx)=fb)-f(a)5.0.1) 其中,F(x)是被积函数f(x)的原函数。 随着学习的不断深化,发现Newton- Leibniz公式有很大的局限性
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Product development has been a major activity in the food industry for over 40 years, but only gradually has it developed as a strategic business area and also as an advanced technology. For a long time it was essentially a craft, loosely related to the research and engineering areas in the company. The pressures for product development came very strongly from the needs of the growing supermarkets for a constantly changing, extensive mix of products and for continuous price promotions. So there was the drive for product difference
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Managing innovation is a necessary skill for senior management of all food companies producing new raw materials, new ingredients or new consumer products. Company growth and even survival depends on the introduction of successful new products into old and new markets. The dividing line between product success and failure depends on many factors, but the most important are new product qualities, skills and resources of the company, market and marketing proficiency, and an organised product development process
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abilities for pd manas alysis23-4,128-30 activities 20. 95.144-6 ive 74-5 commercialisation 119-23. 322-4 and operational 71-6 337-8,342-3 consumer and industrial products apple product development 317, 319-26 318-9 design and process development assessment tool and methodology(ATM) 112-14,322,336-7,341-2
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