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(1)简介铅球运动概况 (2)学习握、持球及原地正向推铅球技术
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CCSM(Coupled Model) releases Each release includes the complete collection of component model source code, documentation, input data Model output data is available Release date d CCSM 3. 0 June 2004 Notable
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Climate change output CSIRO Atmospheric Research Technical Paper No 37, 1998 Kevin J. Hennessy Contents Abstract Global climate models Regional climate models CsiRo climate models
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R30 Model One of the simulations conducted as part of the GFDL-University Consortium project is a 17 year simulation in which the lower boundary conditions repeat the mean seasonal cycle. Attributes of the model simulation are given below
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Chapter 2 Chap. 2 Climate and Its Change -Background Knowledge 2.1 Climate and climate system 2.2 Climate changes 2.3 Climate models and its applications Date Assessment of climate/change impacts
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Content Chap.1 Introduction Chap. 2 Background knowledge-Climate Change Chap. 3 Climate/change and agriculture Chap. 4 Climate/change and water resources Chap. Climate/change and land resources Chap. 6 Climate/change and disasters
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3.4 Crop growth and its modeling 3.4.1 Components of plant growth 3.4.2 Empirical models 3.4.3 Process-based models 3.4.4 Case studies
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Chap. 4 Climate/Change and Water Resources Quantity assessment of water resources Available water resources Supplying water resources Water resources requirement Quality assessment of water resources Impacts of climate changes on water resources
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5.4 Land degradation--Soil erosion (1) Types of land degradation (2) Classification of soil erosion (3) Climate and soil erosion (4) Soil erosion models (5) Erosion and productivity (6) Rainfall factor for soil erosion model
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一、气象常识 1.大气层:包围在地球表面的空气层。 气象学中,根据空气温度随高度垂直分布的特征,由地面向上,将空气分为:对流层、平流层、中间层、电离层、外大气层
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