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第四章显示仪表 4.1概述 一、用于参数的指示、记录、累积的仪表 二、显示仪表的分类:
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Module 1-2-Examples
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9.1 Routh's Stability Criterion About Stability: (P145. Section 1) 9.1.1 Define on the Stability of Closed-loop System: When the transfer function of system is(s), the output
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Module 8 System Type: Steady-State Error and Muriple Control (3 hours) Definition of the system type The kind of input of system How to identify steady-state error quickly · How to eliminate steady-state- error
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Module 7 Higher -Order Systems (1 hour) TF in Evans or Bode form Approximate a higher order system with a first or second order one Effect of zeros and poles on the transient response Origins of zeros
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Module 6 Second-Order System Disturbance Rejection and Rate Feedback I hour
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Module 5 Second-Order System Time-Domain Response (2 hours) Ramp response Harmonic response Transient response as a function of the location of the poles
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一、概述 (1)事故情况下,系统可能产生严重的有功缺额,因而导致系统频率大幅度下降。 (2)所缺功率已经大大超过系统热备用容量,只能在系统频率降到某值以下,采 取切除相应用户的办法来减少系统的有功缺额,使系统频率保持在事故允许 的限额之内
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Second order systems systems described by a second order differential equation Second order systems contain two kinds of energy storage elements: Lump mass and spring
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Module 3 First Order System (1 hours) First order systems .Time response of first order systems .Proportional feedback control of first order systems
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