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10.1根 找出多项式的根,即多项式为零的值,可能是许多学科共同的问题,MATLAB求解这个问题,并提供其它的多项式操作工具。在 MATLAB里,多项式由一个行向量表示,它的系数是按降序排列
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General Description hese devices need only one external com ation capacitor at the output. Tthe LM? aged in the to-220 power package and is capable applications requiring other voltages, see LM137 data 4 supplying 1.5A of output current These regulators employ internal current limiting safe area Features a Thermal, short circuit and sa tually all overload conditions
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General Description de range of applica is local on card bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located far from 9 gulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated the filter capacitor of the power supply
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These circuits consist of four independent, high TSSOP14 (Thin Shrink Small Outline e Package) gain, intemally frequency compensated operation al amplifiers. They operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation
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2.1变量和数据操作 2.2 MATLAB矩阵 2.3 MATLAB运算 2.4矩阵分析 2.5矩阵的超越函数 2.6字符串 2.7结构数据和单元数据 2.8稀疏矩阵
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12.1 Simulink操作基础 12.2系统仿真模型 12.3系统的仿真 12.4使用命令操作对系统进行仿真 12.5子系统及其封装技术 12.6S函数的设计与应用
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2.1脚本文件和函数文件 2.2函数调用和参数传递 2.3 MATLAB的程序结构和控制流 2.4M文件的调试 2.5程序设计实例 2.5.1音频信号的分析与合成 2.5.2音频频谱分析仪 2.5.3幅度调制
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3.1快速入门 3.2模型的创建和模型文件 3.3仿真运行 3.4系统建模 3.5子系统的创建、封装及受控执行 3.6常用工具箱简介 3.7仿真设计实例 3.7.1幅度调制的仿真 3.7.2平衡正交调幅与解调
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1.1 MATLAB与通信仿真 1.1.1通信电路与系统仿真 1.1.2 MATLAB的发展史 1.1.3 3MATLAB语言的主要特点 1.2 MATLAB简介 1.2.1 MATLAB的计算功能 MATLAB的数据结构、数值计算功能、符号计算功能(*)
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