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The Leadership Forum: The World in 2005 December 3rd 2004, London RESEARCH TOOLS Economist.com SURVEYS Flying on one engine Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition
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Economist.comOPINION Economics focus Stop worrying and love the deficit Nov 27th 2003 From The Economist print edition America's current-account deficit poses few dangers, says Alan Greenspan. Except to Europeans IN THE past year the United States has run up a current-account deficit of more than $500 billion. Some think that the line of credit extended by the res
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For many years a huge Manila garbage dump known as Smokey Mountain was a favorite media symbol of Third World poverty. Several thousand men, women, and children lived on that dump--enduring the stench, the flies, and the toxic waste in order to make a living combing the garbage for scrap metal and other recyclables. And they lived there voluntarily, because the $10 or so
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The second column calculates Big Mac PPPs by dividing the local currency price by the American price. For instance, in Japan Big Mac costs¥22. Dividing this by the American price of$2.90 produces a dollar PPP against the yen of Y90, compared with its current rate of Y113, suggesting
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一、火力发电厂生产概述 二、锅炉设备及组成 三、汽轮机设备及组成 四、火电厂热力系统 五、发电厂的主要技术经济指标 六、高效火力发电新技术
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48、为什么名义工资不会经常变动? 答:因为存在名义工资调整的障碍,比如长期劳动合同的存在,合同谈判成本,解雇成本
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1.今年的名义国内生产总值大于去年的名义国内生产总值,说明: A.今年的物价水平一定比去年高了 B.今年生产的物品和劳务总量一定比去年增加了 C.今年的物价水平和实物产量水平一定都比去年提高了 D.以上三种说法都不一定正确
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56.收入政策主要是用来对付: A.需求拉上的通货膨胀; B.成本推进的通货膨胀; C.需求结构性通货膨胀; D.成本结构性通货膨胀
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一、社会主义从空想变为科学的四大要素 1、资本主义生产关系的发育成型(经济因素) 2、产业无产阶级作为一支独立的政治力量登上历史舞台政治因素) 3、自然科学和社会科学的杰出成就(理论因素) 4、马克思、恩格斯的杰出贡献(主观因素)
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一、市场发展的意义 1、市场发展与企业发展。 2、市场发展与产品创新。 3、市场发展与经济增长。 4、市场发展与社会进步。 5、市场发展与人民生活质量提高
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