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《数字信号处理》教学参考资料(Numerical Recipes in C,The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition)Chapter 01.3 Preliminaries 1.3 Error, Accuracy, and Stability
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《数字信号处理》教学参考资料(Numerical Recipes in C,The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition)Chapter 01.2 Preliminaries 1.2 Some C Conventions for Scientific Computing
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《数字信号处理》教学参考资料(Numerical Recipes in C,The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition)Chapter 01.1 Preliminaries 1.1 Program Organization and Control Structures
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《数字信号处理》教学参考资料(Numerical Recipes in C,The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition)Chapter 01.0 Preliminaries 1.0 Introduction
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《数字信号处理》教学参考资料(Numerical Recipes in C,The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition)Chapter 00.2 Computer Programs by Chapter and Section
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《数字信号处理》教学参考资料(Numerical Recipes in C,The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition)Chapter 00.1 License Information
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《数字信号处理》教学参考资料(Numerical Recipes in C,The Art of Scientific Computing Second Edition)Chapter 00.0 Preface to the Second Edition
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绪论 一、分离信、噪,提高信噪比 二、提取有用的特征 三、修正测试系统的某些误差
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第一章 MATLAB初步 1-1关于 MATLAB MATLAB是美国 Math Works Inc.推出的一个数值计算及系统分析和仿真软件
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