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Outline Easy technique for computing integrals Piecewise constant approach Gaussian Quadrature Convergence properties Essential role of orthogonal polynomials Multidimensional Integrals Techniques for singular kernels Adaptation and variable transformation Singular quadrature
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:271.98KB 文档页数:16
Outline Laplace Problems Exterior Radiation Condition Green's function Ansatz or Indirect Approach Single and Double Layer Potentials First and Second Kind Equations Greens Theorem Approach First and Second Kind Equations
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.58MB 文档页数:25
1 Model problem 1.1 Formulations 1.1.1 Strong formulation LIDE Find a such that for Q a polygonal domain Generalizat ion We look here at a particularly simple but nevertheless illustrative problem
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1 Outline for this Module Slide 1 Overview of Integral Equation Methods Important for many exterior problems (Fluids, Electromagnetics, Acoustics) Quadrature and Cubature for computing integrals One and Two dimensional basics Dealing with Singularities 1st and 2nd Kind Integral Equations
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Goals Theory A priori A priori error estimates N1 bound various“ measures” of u exact]-un [approximate] in terms of C(n, problem parameters h [mesh diameter, and u
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Formulations Model problem Strong Formulation Find u such that Vu=f in n2 a =0 on I for a polygonal domain
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Outline Reminder about 1-D 1st and 2nd Kind egns Three-D Laplace Problems Interior Neumann Problem Null space issue First Kind Theory for 3-D Laplace Informal Convergence Theory
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Laplace Problems Exterior Radiation Condition Green’s function Ansatz or Indirect Approach Single and Double Layer Potentials First and Second Kind Equations Greens Theorem Approach First and Second Kind Equations
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:396.04KB 文档页数:27
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:134KB 文档页数:13
课前提示:法律的功能与价值的实现,需 要通过法律由纸面降临尘世这一中间环节, 而这仰赖于守法、执法、司法和法律监督 等多个方式的运行。其中,守法是最为重 要的一种方式,因为法律的实现主要依靠 人们的自觉遵守,一部为大多数人所反对 和违抗的法律,即使依靠强制力获得一时 的遵守,其效力也不可能持久
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