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Consider a stick of length 1. Let XI and X2 be independent random variables denoting two points n the stick at which we break the stick into three pieces. We assume that X1 and X2 are uniformly distributed over the interval
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Lecture Outline Introduction to queuing systems Conceptual representation of queuing systems Codes for queuing models Terminology and notation Little's Law and basic relationships Birth-and-death processes The M/M/1 queuing system State transition diagrams Steady-state probabilities
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Countries identified as First-World are listed in the text. Some approximations attend the calculations, and the denominators are rounded off to the nearest half million. The mortality-risk difference between domestic and international flights in the first-world is not statistically significant: If major fatal crashes arise under a Poisson process at rate ) per million flights, then the observed
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Quiz #1: October 29 Open book, 85 minutes (start 10: 30) Chapter 4 coverage: Sections 4.1through 4.7 (inclusive); Section 4.9 (skim through 4.9.4) Review Problem Set 3 Review some old quizzes
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Lecture Outline M/M/1: finite system capacity, K M/M/m: finite system capacity, K M/M/m: finite system capacity, K=m Related observations and extensions M/E,/1 example M/G/1: epochs and transition probabilities M/G/1: derivation of L Why M/G/m, G/G/1, etc. are difficult
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1.1 电力电子器件概述 1.2 不可控器件——二极管 1.3 半控型器件——晶闸管 1.4 典型全控型器件 1.5 其他新型电力电子器件 1.6 电力电子器件的驱动 1.7 电力电子器件的保护 1.8 电力电子器件的串联和并联使用
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3.1 基本斩波电路 3.1.1 降压斩波电路 3.1.2 升压斩波电路 3.1.3 升降压斩波电路和Cuk斩波电路 3.1.4 Sepic斩波电路和Zeta斩波电路 3.2 复合斩波电路和多相多重斩波 3.2.1 电流可逆斩波电路 3.2.2 桥式可逆斩波电路 3.2.3 多相多重斩波电路
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风险概念定义: (1)风险关注未来将要发生的事情; (2)风险涉及改变; (3)风险涉及选择本身所包含的不确定性。 当没有办法消除风险,甚至连试图降低该风险也存在疑问时,这些风险就是真正的风险了
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有关的活动所导致的成本。预先设定成本基线 ,标识降低成本的机会 质量成本可以被划分为与预防、鉴定及失败相 关的成本 预防成本:质量计划、正式技术复审、测试设 备、培训等。 鉴定成本:过程内和过程间审查、设备校准和 维护、测试等 失败成本:包括内部失败成本和外部失败成本 内部失败成本:产品交付用户以前发现错误而 引发的成本
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12.1简史 1960分析建摸 12.2分析模型的元素 分析模型必须达到三个主要目标: (1)描述客户的需要; (2)建立创建软件设计的基础; (3)定义在软件完成后可以被确认的一组需求
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