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一、判断题 1.决策制定是一项单独的管理活动,应该与预算、控制等活动相分离。() 2.超出业务量的相关范围之后,成本关系式将不再成立。()
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了解厂商决策的共性原则,完全竞争市场的条件、完全竞争市 目的 场条件下短期均衡与长期均衡的异同及其图示
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为什么要在经济理论研究中分析不同的市场结构呢? 这是因为:厂商的利润取决于收益与成本。其中,厂商成 本主要取决于厂商的生产技术方面的因素(见第四章生产 论和第五章成本论),而厂间的收益则取决于市场对其产 品的需求情况。在不同类型的市场条件下,厂商所面临的 对其产品的需求状况是不同的,所以,在分析厂商的利润 最大化时的决策时,必须要区分不同的市场类型
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第六章产业投资资金的筹措 第一节投资估算 第二节筹资渠道、方式与资金成本 第三节筹资决策
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Outline The promise of autonomous explorers The challenge of autonomous explorers Agents great and small Course objective 1(16.410/13) Principles for Building Agents Course objective 2(16.413) Building an Agent The Mars exploration rover(MEr) project
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Assignments · Remember: Problem set#1: Rules and Scheme due today September 15th, 2003 Reading Solving problems by searching: AIMA Ch 3 Homework for this lecture Problem set #2 due Monday, Sept. 22 Snas witha, Spring 03 Outline
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Programming Languages · Control Conditionals Functions function calls Threads Data Scalars: booleans, numbers, strings Records/ structures Classes, types sept.8.2003
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Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Formulation Brian C. Williams 16410-13 September 29th, 2003 Slides adapted fro 6. 034 Tomas lozano perez and AIMA Stuart Russell Peter Norvig Reading Assignments: Constraints Much of the material covered only in lecture slides
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September 24, 2003 Scheme Tutor notes In scheme tutor stick to r5rs scheme The Tutor uses SCM, not miT scheme Strategy: click\Check\button on initial code, in order to view test cases pt.24,2003 16410/16413 Even more scheme
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Out line Propositional Satisfiability Propositional Clauses Backtrack search Unit Propagation DPLL: Unit Propagation Backtrack Search Characteristics of dPLl local search using GSAT Propositional Clauses
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