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1、电厂分类; 2、电力系统、电力网、动力系统定义; 3、电力设备首末端电压的确定; 4、电力系统中性点运行方式; 5、供电设计的内容; 6、电力发展
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第九章主族金属元素 第一节p区元素通性 第二节铝 第三节锡、铅 第四节砷、锑、铋
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块:由一个或多个实体成,同时被定义 为一个整体。 作用:可避免重复劳动;提高绘图效率、 节省存储空间修改块,即可自动地修改插 入图中的所有该块,节约绘图时间
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Background knowledge The English Channel: commonly called the Channel is an arm of the Atlantic Ocean separating the southern coast of England from the northern coast of france, and connecting the Atlantic in the west with the north Sea on the east via the strait of dover
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Useful Information Advantage of reading books. The old saying: \To open a book is always helpful.\clearly shows us how good it is to read a book. Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention t the choice of books. It's true that we can derive benefits from good books. As a matter of fact, books
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Nuclear power 1 Nuclear power can come from the fission of uranium plutonium or thorium or the fusion of hydrogen into helium. Today it is almost all uranium. The fission of an atom of uranium produces 10 million times the energy produced by the combustion of an atom of carbon from coal. By 1993, there'd been 109 licensed
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Background Knowledge u Time Zones and International date Line rn 1884 scientists divided the world into 24 time zones. The time in the zone containing greenwich is called Greenwich Mean Time Going westwards around the world from Greenwich, we subtract an hour for each
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Background knowledge Four steps one has to go through in looking for a job: a. Look for a post in newspapers, on TV, etc. b. Write a formal application to the target company and follow up with a call C. Get an answer from the company d. Be interviewed by the company
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Translation(English to Chinese) 1. I was greatly impressed by its natural beauty when I took a study tour there two years ago 两年前,我在那里做过野外考查,那里的自然风光给我印象极深
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一、概述 动脉粥样硬化:与脂质代谢障碍有关, 累及全身大中动脉,以A内膜脂质沉着 形成粥糜样斑块→管壁变硬。 富贵病、人类死亡的主病之一
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