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深圳大学经济学院:《国际贸易理论与务实 International Trade》各章练习题库_04
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深圳大学经济学院:《国际贸易理论与务实 International Trade》各章练习题库_03
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深圳大学经济学院:《国际贸易理论与务实 International Trade》各章练习题库_02
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深圳大学经济学院:《国际贸易理论与务实 International Trade》各章练习题库_01
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深圳大学经济学院:《国际贸易理论与务实 International Trade》试题样卷_2009国际贸易试卷B卷
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深圳大学经济学院:《国际贸易理论与务实 International Trade》试题样卷_2009国际贸易试卷A卷
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深圳大学经济学院:《国际贸易理论与务实 International Trade》试题样卷_2009国贸试题参考答案(AB卷)
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What's Special About Health Care? Health care costs are large and growing fast Number of reasons why First Welfare Theorem may be violated Poor information(physician induced demand) Adverse selection and moral hazard Disease externalities
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Social Insurance Programs Generally share 4 characteristics: Participation is mandatory Eligibility and benefits depend on prior contributions Benefits begin with an identifiable occurrence Programs are not means-tested
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Political Economy Defined Political Economy is the application of economic principles to the analysis of political decision making. -elf- -interestin- the marketplace, this often leads to efficiency; different implications in \political market. Maximization-one goal may be to maximize social welfare
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