Chapter 6 Viruses 6.1 General Properties of Viruses 6.2 Structure of viruses 6.3 The cultivation of viruses 6.4 General Features of Virus Reproduction 6.5 one-step growth curve 6.6 Temperate Bacteriophages: Lysogeny and Lambda
Pili and fimbriae G short, fine, hairlike appendages that are not involved in motility Fimbriae/fimbria: 1000piece/cell, adhesion to host epithelium Sex pill/pilus: 1-10piece/celly sexual conjugation, they are genetically determined by sex factors or conjugative plasmids and are required for bacterial mating Receptors of some bacterial viruses
Oxidative phosphorylation occurs at cell membrane since there are no mitochondria) Cell wall Cytoplasm Cell membrane The cell wall is outside of cell membrane -rigid, protecting cell from osmotic lysis
Microorganisms are the most diversified and interesting to study. Microbiology is one of the most active and promising field in life sciences. I will try to integrate the most classical and basic ideas theories and concepts with the most recent advances in microbiology, which are so exciting and full of fun to know about
1. The B-DNA structure found in solution is a A right-handed double helix of antiparallel chains (11 bp/turn) B left-handed double helix of antiparallel chains (~10 bp/turn) C right-handed double helix of antiparallel chains (~10 bp/turn). D left-handed zig-zag helix of antiparallel chains(12 bp/turn)