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lure can have dire consequences. Nude Mouse (nu/nu) elf and begins to attack hich is Primary Immunodeficiencies AIDS and Other Acquired or Secondary Immunodeficiencies at birth differentiated from immunodeficiencies in which the non- specific mediators of innate immunity, such as phagocytes or ed. Immunodeficiencies are conve- by the type or the developmental stage of overall cellular de g the locations of prevennon stra
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如第二章所述,建立 GenBank是为了适应人类基应组工程等科学研究产生的大量序列数据的信 息爆炸。总的来说, GenBank是带有注释的公用DNA蛋白质序列的集合。写作本书时, GenBank中有160万条链的纪录,含超过10亿个核苷酸碱基。向GenBank存入新的序列有两种方 法:通过 Sequi nBankl和等工具直接提交,或通过国际核苷酸序列数据库的组成部分 GenBank,eml,和DDB等相互之间传递数据的共享协议
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immunology, refers to the act of transferring cells, tissues, or organs from one site to another. The desire to accomplish transplants stems from the realization that many diseases can be cured by implantation of a healthy organ, tissue, or cells(a graft)from one individual (the donor)to another in need of the transplant(the recipient or
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实用指南 辑 Andreas d. Baxevanis enome Technology Branch National human genome research Institute National Institutes of health Bethesda, Maryland B. F Francis ouellette National Center for Biotechnology Information National Institute of health ADB将本书奉献给他的母亲 Anastasia,并纪念他的父亲 Demetrios,他们的智慧和爱是守护 他一生的力量
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这一章讨论的是解释DNA序列的方法,这些方法主要依赖于功能模式的检测,而不是与其它单 个序列的比较。这些方法中的绝大部分意在先寻找并遮蔽重复的和低复杂性的序列,再寻找 基因以及与其相关的调控区域。在针对单个序列的集中调查分析,以及为可能的基因、整个 基因组或相应较大区域建立初步清单的快速扫描过程中,这些方法都发挥了主要作用
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背景 ACEDB(一种线虫C.e/ egans数据库)是一种被广泛应用的管理和提供基因组数据的工具组。它 是在1991年由 Ri chard duri n和 Jean Thi erry-Mi eg首先提供的,他们发展它来支持和整理 C. elegans领域中的大范围序列和物理图谱的工作。在本章结尾所列出的因特网资源和资料中 可见1和2条。后续的程序由 Durbin和 Thierry- Mi eg编制和完善,还有许多其他人参与了代码 的编制。这一时期, ACEDB适用于许多动物和植物的基因组计划[3]
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realized that the immune system could go awry and, instead of reacting against foreign antigens, could focus its attack on self-antigens. He termed this con- dition\horror autotoxicus \We now understand that while mechanisms of self-tolerance normally protect an individual from potentially self-reactive lymphocytes, there are failures They result in an inappropriate response of the immune system against self-components termed autoimmunity In the 1960s, it was believed that all self-reactive lymphocytes
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part of the body to another. This is espe- ially true of lymphocytes, which circulate ly in the blood and lymph and, in common with at sites o Lymphocytes Attached to the Surface of a High-Endothelial Venule sLymphocyte Recirculation Cell-Adhesion Molecules Neutrophil Extravasation Lymphocyte Extravasation Chemokines-Key Mediators of Inflammation Other Mediators of Inflammation The Inflammatory Process
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第一节 粘虫 (掌握) 第二节 玉米螟 (掌握) 第三节 东亚飞蝗 (掌握) 第四节 高粱条螟 (掌握) 第五节 二点螟 (选学了解) 第六节 其它常见禾谷类杂粮害虫 (选学了解) 第七节 禾谷类杂粮害虫综合防治技术 (自学了解)
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第一节 稻蛀螟(掌握) 第二节 稻飞虱(掌握) 第三节 稻叶蝉(掌握) 第四节 稻弄蝶(掌握) 第五节 稻纵卷叶螟(了解) 第六节 稻蝗 (自学了解) 第七节 其它常见水稻害虫(自学了解) 第八节 水稻害虫综合防治(自学了解)
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