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一、我国农业产业化经营的发展 农业产业化在本质上是一 种新的经营体制。农业产业化 是以市场为导向,以农户为基 础,以龙头企业或合作经济组 织为依托,以经济效益为中心, 以科技服务为手段,通过将农 业再生产过程的产前、产中、 产后诸环节联接为一个完整的 产业系统,实现种养加、供产 销、贸工农一体化经营
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ECNOMICS Economic Growth Is Key to Long- Term Living Standards
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ECENOMIC S A Bird's-Eye View of How Monetary Policy Affects Output and Inflation
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ECENOMIC S National Output Determines the Levels of Consumption and Saving
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ECENOMIC S Business fluctuations have been a Persistent Feature of Capitalism
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ECENOMIC S Consumption and Investment? a What Are the Major Forces Affectil
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ECENOMIC S U.S. Real gross domestic Product
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ECENOMIC S Lorenz Curve shows Income Inequality T137 Figure 19-1 100 Curve of absolute equality Deviation fror absolute equality
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The Technology of Production Isoquants Production with One Variable Input (Labor) Production with Two Variable Inputs Returns to Scale
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Evaluating the Gains and Losses from Government Policies--Consumer and Producer Surplus The Efficiency of a Competitive Market Minimum Prices
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