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9.1 集成运算放大器的构成 9.2 放大电路中的负反馈及应用 9.3 集成运算放大器的线性应用 9.4 正弦波振荡器 9.5 集成运算放大器的非线性应用 9.6 集成功率放大器 9.7 三端集成稳压器及应用 9.8 集成运放的线性应用实验 9.9 RC正弦波振荡器实验
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3.1 自感式传感器 3.1.1 基本工作原理 3.1.2 自感式传感器的测量电路 3.1.3 自感式传感器应用 3.2 差动变压器式传感器 3.3 电涡流传感器
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§10.1 氧化还原反应 §10.2 原电池和电动势 §10.3 可逆电池热力学 §10.4 电动势产生的原因 §10.5 电极电势 §10.6 电极电势的应用 §10.7 浓差电池 §10.8 电池电动势测定的应用
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The Bipolar Junction Transistor The term Bipolar is because two type of charges (electrons and holes) are involved in the flow of electricity The term Junction is because there are two pn Junctions There are two configurations for this device n-type p-type n-type
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1.1 超宽带电磁学的研究对象 1.2 超宽带电磁学技术发展概述 1.2.1 由宽带向窄带发展的无线电技术 1.2.2 宽带通信技术的孕育与发展 1.2.3 UWB系统的应用和未来方向
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L Electrically Isolated Package 5500A Pressure Contact Construction T(AV)(per arm) 190A International Standard Footprint 3000v Alumina(non-toxic)Isolation Medium
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1、实验准备及常规仪器设备使用 2、分立元件及负反馈放大电路设计 3、运放基本应用电路 4、测量放大器 5、晶体管输出特性曲线测试电路 6、LC三点式振荡器 7、模拟乘法器及调幅与检波电路
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MP02XXX190 Series Phase Control dual scr. scr/ diode modules es January 2000 version, DS4479-40 Ds44795.0July2002
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Patented free-floating silicon technology Low on-state and switching losses Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications Optimum power handling capability Blocking
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he World's Largest-Capacity 8kV/3.6kA Light-Triggered Thyristor by Katsumi sato* Mitsubishi Electric has developed an 8kV/3.6kA light-triggered thyristor (LTT) based on a six inch wafer for power-converter applications in igh-voltage DC transmission and back-to-back systems. New design features give the device
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