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化学理论基础自测试题答案(1-4章) 一、填空题(每空1分,共40分) 1.16,16,18。 2.四,ⅥA,p,Se,4s24p,+6 3.n+07l,越低。 4.三角锥,sp3不等性,<
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Teaching plan for Unit 3 I Aims Demands Get the students (1)to comprehend the text of Section A 2)to have a good grasp of the following points: ups and downs be /get involved with; hold work out: go through; for a time i met with all along; upon/on doing sth subsequently(consequently): harbor; see.as; at one's worst; why do/ not do sth; buy time; never too adj. to do sth
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The principal-agent problem describes a class of interactions between two parties to a contract, an agent and a principal. The legal origin of these terms suggests that the principal engages the agent to act on his(the principal s behalf. In economic applications, the agent is not necessarily an employe
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§8-1 Electric Charges Coulomb’s Law 电荷 库仑定律 §8-2 The Electric Field 电场 电场强度 §8-4 Gauss’ Law 高斯定理 §8-5 Electric Potential 静电场的功 电势 §8-3 Electric Field Line and Flux 电力线 电通量 §8-6 Equipotential Surface and Potential Gradient 等势面 电场强度与电势的关系 §8-7 The Electric Force Exerted on a Moving Particle 带电粒子在外电场中的运动
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1.指令用法 (1)SET(置位):置位指令 (2)RST(复位):复位指令 用于各继电器Y、S和M等,置位和复位,还可在用户程序的任何地方对某个状态或事件设置或清除标志
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CHAPTER 3Lists S1 Abstract Data Type (ADT) Definition Data Type Objects Operations Example】int={0,±1,±2,…,IT_MAX,IT_MIN} +,-,×,÷,%,…} 【 Definition】 An Abstract Data Type(adt) is data type that is organized in such a way that the specification on the objects and specification of the
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Flying there is not half the fun I. Basic listening Practice I Script M: would you prefer a window or an aisle seat, madam? W: Aisle, please. If there's none left, then a wind. w seat is Ok. But I don't like middle seats。 Q: what is the order of the womans preference? C: aisle-wingdow-minddle
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Ⅱ. Listening skills 1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? Q: Who is the woman 2. W: Mike, wake upl It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you're going to be late M: Dont worry. I can sleep all day Did you forget today is Martin Luther King's
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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet? Are you taking Frenc riting again? M: Yes I am, but it's compulsory for us next semester. So i think I'm gong to do marketing as an elective instead
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1.解释下列概念 (1)构造 (2)构型 (3)构象 (4)极端构象 (5)优势构象 (6)构象能 (7)区域选择反应 (8)区域专一反应 (9)内消旋体 (10)外消旋体 (11)S2反应
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