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①明确电动势与ΔG的关系,熟悉电极电势的一套符号惯例,了解在教科书上或文献上还有哪些惯例。 ②对于所给的电池能熟练,正确地写出电极反应和电池反应并能计算其教学目的和/电动势
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Diseases of the Blood in Children Anemias Nutritional anemias (Iron deficiency iron) Hereditary spherocytosis Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency Thalassemia Bleeding disorders(Hemorrhagic diseases) ITP Hemophilia
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Single Tree center problem G is a tree. e i=1. 2..m are the end vertices
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◼ Abortion is termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks of gestation and the fetal weight is less tan 1000g. ◼ Abortion : spontaneous: 10%~18% artificial ◼ The early abortion: occurs before 12w ◼ The late abortion: occurs after 12w
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复习 抽样定理——两类 参数估计一—已知含有未知参数θ总体的分布函数为F(x;0),利用总体的抽样样本X1,X2,…,Xn对参数θ或θ的某已知函数g(θ)作出估计 区间估计设法得到参数空间的一个取值范围,使待估参数以较大的概率含于其内点估计—构造适当的统计量0(X1,X2,…Xn)得到θ的估计值 矩估计法一用样本矩估计总体短
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Hybrid Mode Estimation and Gaussian Filtering with Hybrid HMMs Stanislav funiak 16. 412/6.834 Lecture, 15 March 2004 References Hofbaur, M. W, and Williams, B C(2002). Mode estimation of probabilistic hybrid systems. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control Hscc 2002 Funiak, S, and Williams, B. C (2003 ). Multi-modal particle filtering for hybrid systems with autonomous mode transitions. In: DX-2003 SafeProcess 2003 Lerner, U.,R. Parr, D. Koller and G. Biswas(2000). Bayesian fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic
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记忆的定义 记忆,乃是在人们的头脑中重现无意识 内容的能力。(C.G. Jung writes)
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例区间是可测集,且ml 证明见书本p66 注:零集、区间、开集、闭集、G型集(可数个开集的交)、 F。型集(可数个闭集的并)、 Borel型集(粗略说:从开集出发 通过取余,取交或并(有限个或可数个)运算得到)都是可测集
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4.4.1钻孔涌水量 钻孔涌水量应保持常量,其变化幅度不大于3%。 4.4.2抽水延续时间 抽水延续时间除满足表4-1的要求外,并可结合最远观测孔水位下降与时间关系曲线 S(或△)g来确定
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(二)乳钵的使用 1.方法步骤 (1)取大小不一块片状朱砂约5g,加入适量的纯化水,研磨适宜时间后,朱砂细粉漂浮于液面或混悬于水中,然后将此混悬液倾出。 (2)余下的粗料继续加纯化水研磨,反复操作至研磨完毕,将所得混悬液合并
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