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4.1 栈 4.2 栈的应用举例 4.3 队列 4.4 队列应用举例
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2.1 线性表的类型定义 2.4 有序表 2.1.1 线性表的定义 2.5 顺序表和链表的综合比较 2.1.2 线性表的基本操作 2.2 线性表的顺序表示和实现 2.2.1 顺序表——线性表的顺序存储表示 2.2.2 顺序表中基本操作的实现 2.2.3 顺序表其他算法举例 2.3 线性表的链式表示和实现 2.3.1 单链表和指针 2.3.2 单链表的基本操作 2.3.3 单链表的其他基本操作 2.3.4 循环链表 2.3.5 双向链表
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天津大学:《数据结构 Data Structures》课程PPT教学课件(英文版)CHAPTER 8 THE DISJOINT SET ADT
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CHAPTER 3Lists S1 Abstract Data Type (ADT) Definition Data Type Objects Operations Example】int={0,±1,±2,…,IT_MAX,IT_MIN} +,-,×,÷,%,…} 【 Definition】 An Abstract Data Type(adt) is data type that is organized in such a way that the specification on the objects and specification of the
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Definition A tree is a collection of nodes. The collection can be empty: otherwise, a tree consists of (1) a distinguished node r, called the root; (2)and zero or more nonempty(sub)trees T1,., Tk, each of whose roots are connected by a directed edge from r Note:
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Search table is collection constituted By the same types of data elements (or record), because the elements in the collection has loose relationship to each other, so search table is a facilitating application data structure. Basic operation of search table
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string is composed ofn(20) characters in an orderly sequence recorded as s:“c1C2C3…Cn” S is string name c123n is value is a character n is string length Such as,S=“ TSinghua University
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试验四 实验题目:成绩排序 设计一个程序进行学生成绩管理。假设对某个班级的学生的5门课程的学习成绩进行管理
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第三章栈和队列 栈和队列是两种特殊的线性表是操作受限的线性表,称限定性DS 3.1栈(stack) 栈的定义和特点 定义:限定仅在表尾进行插入或删除操作的线性表,表尾—栈顶,表头一栈底
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第七章查找 查找也叫检索,是根据给定的某个值,在表中确定一个关键字等于给定值的记录或数据元素
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