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3-1连接件的强度计算 3-2纯剪切切应力互等定理剪切胡克定律 3-3剪切应变能
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4-1、概述 4-2、外力偶矩扭矩和扭矩图 4-3、圆轴扭转时截面上的应力计算 4-4、圆轴扭转时的变形计算 4-5、圆轴扭转时的强度条件刚度条件
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第8章沥青混合料 8.1概述 刚性路面:水泥混凝土路面(水泥混凝土)
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p4 17
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p4 8
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3.064Quiz10/10/03 Sample questions 1. What is the glass transition temperature of a polymer How can it be measured? What molecular characteristics determine its value Illustrate by giving the chemical structure and Tg for polyethylene polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene
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3.064 Quiz 3- Sample Questions 1. Consider a unidirectionally reinforced fiber-matrix composite a)What elastic constants(relative to the fiber and transverse directions )are needed to describe this material?
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第10章木材 本章为自学内容,作一般性了 解。要求:了解木材的主要性能 及应用即可
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uiz2(11/7/03)-sar esti。ns rse and fiber-directi moduli for a transversely isotropic composite lamina 2. Plot and explain the variation of fiber-direction strength of a unidirectionally-reinforced lamina as a function of fib fraction
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麻省理工学院:《polymer engineering》p7 6
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