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Question 1-7 Read these sentences and the following book's description. ech contonce Which position does each sentence 1-7describe? For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E on your answer sheet
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Read these sentences and the following job description. ech sen Which position does each sentence 1-7 describe? For each sentence, mark one letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet
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Vocabulary Fill the gaps with suitable words from the list. premises involved modem retailing corporation sector successful terminals bookkeeping monitor limited enterprise merge
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4.1 Punctuation Read the following text. Decide where to add punctuation and to start new paragrap You'll also need to add some Capital Letters om human resources manager date 15 September subject ov erseas
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Choose the missing words from the box. The first one is done for you as an example. memorandum courier pencil reference clear registered enclose zip code post code p.p. acknowledge printer stationery word-processed
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7.1 Financial Terms vocabulary Add the missing words to the following sentences. 1. Banks ......your account when you use a Euro-check abroad mnon
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9.1 Going abroad Vocabulary Add the missing words to the puzzle. 1. You may need a _if you're staying in the USA for longer than a month. 2 _class is cheaper than business or club
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Complete the following sentences with appropriate words. 1 A well planned and organized operation will help to and make easier the
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8.1 Delays and problems vocabulary Fill the gaps in these sentences with suitable words form the list below. boycotts cash against documents chamber of commerce circumstances claim compensate documents against
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Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to ask for and give directions talk about departments give and take telephone messages Content
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