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Advantages of automation 16.422 · Improve efficiency productivity Task performance reliability Human safety both operators public Remote operations Reduction of human labor Technological advancements Improved quality of lif
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Outline Information Theory Signal Detection Theory Alerting Introduction
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MERS Model-based programming of Cooperating explorers Brian c. williams CSAIL Dept. Aeronautics and astronautics Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Traditional Systems Engineering Process model 16.422 ACQUISITION PHASE UTILIZATION PHASE
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7.1闭路电视监控系统 7.2防盗报警系统 7.3出入口控制系统
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4.4.1变配电系统监控 (1)监控管理功能 A.检测运行参数,为正常运行时的计量管理、事故发生时的故障原因分析提供数据。 B.监视电气设备运行状态,并提供电气主接线图开关状态画面;如发现故障,自动报警,并显示故障位置、相关电压、电流数值等
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绪论 1.操作系统的名称 监控(督)程序(系统)(Monitor) 执行系统(程序)(Executive System(program)))) 控制系统(程序)(Control System program)) 管理程序(Supervisor, Supervisory System) 核心程序(Kernel) 操作系统(Operating System)
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