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Quiz: Section K, L, M and N, 40 min, English answer only 1. Please list the important cis-acting elements and transacting enzymes/factors in prokaryotic transcription including initiation, elongation and termination, and briefly describe their corresponding roles (35 point)
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Quiz: Section H, I and J, 30 min, English answer only 1. What are the essential elements that a cloning vector should have? how about the expression vectors and the integration vectors? What is a shuttle vector and please describe its importance? (35)
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1. What is “DNA cloning”? how could you make a genomic library cloning? (30 points) 2. What is “subcloning”? What are the purposes of subcloning. (15 points)
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(1)开卷考试,个人独立完成 (2)不须偷看别人的答案 (3)老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:235.5KB 文档页数:4
Q1: Please name the following amino acids (three letter name, for example: Ala for alanine). Q2: Which of them are hydrophobic AA, and which are hydrophilic?
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Part I: Describe the following 10 terms (3 points each). (1) EF-G: a. its structure likes tRNA b. it is a translational elongation factor c. it binds to ribosome when associated with GTP
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1. Please describe the main features of the DNA structure. (10 points) Key features: (1) Double helical structure (4’) (2) Two strands are held together in an antiparallel orientation (3’) by base paring (1’)
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Describing the following terms (4 points each) 1. Cre recombinase 2. CSSR recombination 3. Mating-type switching 4. Mismatch repair 5. Polymerase switching 6. 30-nm fiber 7. Core histones
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Your answer should describe what each item is and how it functions in the cell. Diagrams, structure and sequence information should be included in your answer, as necessary. 1. Yeast artificial chromosome 2. RNA interference 3. Proteomics
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PART I: DESCRIPTION (2 points each) Your answer should describe what each item is and how it functions in the cell. Diagrams, structure and sequence information should be included in your answer, as necessary
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