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method was developed by Raschig. Anhydrous hydrazine is a clear, colorless, hygroscopic liquid with an odor similar to that of ammonia. Anhydrous hydrazine is a strong reducing agent and a weak chemical base. Aqueous hydrazine shows both oxidizing and reducing properties. Although potential data show hydrazine
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一、代理的概念 所谓代理(agency)是指代理人(agent)按照本人(principal)的授权 (authorization),代表本人同第三人订立合同或作其他的法律行为,由此而产 生的权利与义务直接对本人发生效力
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Outline The promise of autonomous explorers The challenge of autonomous explorers Agents great and small Course objective 1(16.410/13) Principles for Building Agents Course objective 2(16.413) Building an Agent The Mars exploration rover(MEr) project
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Quality Uncertainty and the Market for Lemons Market Signaling Moral Hazard The Principal-Agent Problem
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History of Agricultural Development Food Gathering Domestication of Crops Organic Farming Transgenic Farming since Green Revolution) High inputs of energy subsidies including fertilizers, pesticides, fossil fuels, mechanization, irrigation advanced technology High outputs at the expense of environmental integrity Contamination of ground water surface water by agrochemicals sediments Hazards to human and animal health(e.g. residual effect of methamidophos in vegetables, Agent orange in Vietnam, cross-Atlantic DDT contamination Loss of genetic diversity in plants and animals
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9.1分布式人工智能(Distributed Artificial Intelligence) 分布式人工智能的特点
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Outline Objectives Agents and Their building Blocks Principles for building agents Modeling formalisms Algorithmic Principles Building an agent: The Mars Exploration rover
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引言 织物经漂白后,为了进一步获得满意的白度;或某些浅色织 物要增加鲜艳度,通常采用能发荧光的有机化合物进行加工, 这种化合物称为荧光增白剂(Fluorescent Whitening Agent 或 Fluorescent Brightener)。目前,荧光增白剂在纺织、造 纸、塑料、及合成洗涤剂等工业都有着广泛的应用。目前,荧 光增白剂在纺织、造纸、塑料、及合成洗涤剂等工业都有着广 泛的应用
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7.1网络技术的发展及教育应用 ❖ 7.1.1 无线网络技术及移动教育 ❖ 7.1.2 网格技术及其教育应用 7.2 智能信息技术的教学应用 ❖ 7.2.1 教育专家系统 ❖ 7.2.2 基于Agent技术的教学系统 7.3 虚拟现实技术教育应用 ❖ 7.3.1虚拟现实简介 ❖ 7.3.2虚拟现实教育应用实例 7.4 教育资源库及其应用 ❖ 7.4.1 教育资源库简介 ❖ 7.4.2 教育资源库的应用 ❖ 7.4.3 数字图书馆
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