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Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Clients and servers in constrained environments Application gateways Application gateway examples
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Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment a Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Encapsulation and tunneling
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Chapter 4: Server Software Design Chapter goal: algorithm and issues terative servers Concurrent connection-oriented servers Singly-threaded,concurrent servers Multiprotocol servers Multiservice servers Uniform efficient management
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中国人民大学:《移动平台应用开发》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第1章 Android简介
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中国人民大学:《移动平台应用开发》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第0章 前言(主讲:杨刚)
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了解Android的软件系统框架 了解Android应用程序架构 认识软件架构的思想 延伸软件设计的层次模块设计
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了解各种界面控件的使用方法 掌握几种基本界面布局的特点和使用方法 掌握Material Design设计理念与方法
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