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• Why study geometric phase • Geometric phase in bipartite systems • Geometric phase in open systems – Geometric phase in dissipative systems – Geometric phase in dephasing systems – Geometric phase and QPTs • Conclusion
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Table manners and Customs Introductory Remarks In different parts of the world, there are different table manners and customs. People in the East eat in different ways from those in the West. Even among western countries there are differences between table manners. And what's more, in one country, table manners have not al ways been the same and changed with time
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• Cloud environment & Security problems in cloud • How to protect applications against Hypervisor/OS in cloud • Intel SGX, protecting applications against OS • SCONE (OSDI’16), using Intel SGX • How to protect user data against applications in cloud • Ryoan (OSDI’16), using NaCl (S&P’09) and Intel SGX • How to verify network security in cloud • TenantGuard (NDSS’17), verifying network isolation in cloud
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§ 1. Introduction § 2. Digestion in the mouth & esophagus § 3. Digestion in the stomach § 4. Digestion in the intestine § 5. Digestion in the colon § 6. Absorption in the small intestine
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In this lecture we will look at some applications of Newton's second law, expressed in the different coordinate systems that were introduced in lectures D3-D5. Recall that Newton's second law F=ma, (1) is a vector equation which is valid for inertial observers. In general, we will be interested in determining the motion of a particle given
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8.1 Classification of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.2 Features of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.3 Thermodynamics for Phase Transformation in Solids 8.4 Kinetics for Phase Transformation in Solids
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8.1 Classification of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.2 Features of Phase Transformations in Solids 8.3 Thermodynamics for Phase Transformation in Solids 8.4 Kinetics for Phase Transformation in Solids
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Textures in different layers of superconductors based on YBGO system are analyzed using the methods of pole figure and conventional Φ scans. It is shown that the Φ scanning technology has only 1-dimensional description and could omit some information of 3-dimensional orientation distribution, which will in-fluence the superconductor quality. The pole figure method, in contrast, demonstrates the orientation distribution 2-dimensionally and gives a comprehensive view of thin film texture, which is a much better method for texture analysis in superconducting films,in which there is commonly an unique high sharpness texture com-ponent
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A mathematical model of kinetics of carbide layer formed on the surface of steel in fused system was set up with the theory of non-stable diffusion mass transfer and regular solution sub-lattice. This model was analyzed and testified by the experiments in which the VC layers were formed on four kinds of steels as steel 45, 4Cr5Mo-SiV1, T10, and Crl2MoV immersed in the V2O5-Na2O-B2O5 fused system with the reducing agent of silicon. The results showed that there was a good agreement between the model and the experimental results; the growth speed of carbide layer depended on the factors of carbon activity in substrate, treatment temperature, kinds of carbides and its structure
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In lecture D2 we introduced the position velocity and acceleration vectors and referred them to a fixed cartesian coordinate system. While it is clear that the choice of coordinate system does not affect the final answer, we shall see that, in practical problems, the choice of a specific system may simplify the calculations considerably. In previous lectures, all the vectors at all points in the trajectory were expressed in the
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