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一、化学键 1离子键 2共价键
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一、氧化数及氧化还原反应方程式的配平 1氧化还原反应 2氧化数 3氧化还原反应方程式的配平 二、电池电动势()与电极电势(E) 1原电池 2电池电动势 3电极电势 4标准电极电势
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一、酸碱质子理论 1酸碱的定义 酸碱质子理论(Bronsted-Lowry-质子理论) 2酸碱电离平衡(质子理论) 3酸碱的强弱
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一、焓与焓变 1.热力学第一定律与焓变 2.焓与焓变的性质 3.热化学方程式 二.热化学及焓变的计算 1.热化学定律(Hess定律) 2.焓变的计算
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一、选择题:A型题(每题1分,共44分) 1.骨骼肌或心肌的初长度对收缩力量的调节作用属于 A.神经调节B.体液调节C.自身调节D.负反馈调节E.正反馈调节 2.能引起生物机体发生反应的各种环境变化统称为 A.反射B.兴奋C.刺激D.反应E.应激
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通过本章的学习,掌握细胞膜的物质转运功能、细胞的跨膜信息传递功能、细胞的兴 奋性和生物电现象、肌细胞的收缩功能等
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1)掌握雄激素的生物学作用 (2)掌握月经周期,雌激素与孕激素的生理作用; (3)了解睾丸的功能及其调节 (4)了解卵巢功能,了解下丘脑-腺垂体-卵巢轴与妇科内分泌疾病的关系
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ART TK used to unravel involve of the immune mental conditions. Ho of unknown add ambiguity to the in of lymphocytes quently repea Addition of Expression Profile of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. plified to the extent that
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immunology, refers to the act of transferring cells, tissues, or organs from one site to another. The desire to accomplish transplants stems from the realization that many diseases can be cured by implantation of a healthy organ, tissue, or cells(a graft)from one individual (the donor)to another in need of the transplant(the recipient or
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lure can have dire consequences. Nude Mouse (nu/nu) elf and begins to attack hich is Primary Immunodeficiencies AIDS and Other Acquired or Secondary Immunodeficiencies at birth differentiated from immunodeficiencies in which the non- specific mediators of innate immunity, such as phagocytes or ed. Immunodeficiencies are conve- by the type or the developmental stage of overall cellular de g the locations of prevennon stra
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