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一、学位论文与医学论文 学的写要求与范 (一)类型 1原始性论文:如原著(论著)、学位论文、研究简报、技术革新与病例报告等(用原始研究资料写成)。属前瞻性(prospective) 2整理性论文:如临床分析、临床病理讨论、综述(评述、述评)、讲座。属回顾性 retrospective)
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第一章 绪论 第二章 医学心理学的基础心理学知识 第三章 认知活动 第四章 应激与心身疾病 第五章 临床心理评估 第七章 心理异常
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病因 一、风心病 单纯主动脉瓣狭窄极少见,多合并主动脉瓣关闭不全和二尖瓣病变 二、先天性畸形 单叶、二叶、三叶(大小不一) 三、退行性老年钙化性主动脉瓣狭窄 65岁以上单纯性主动脉瓣狭窄常见原因 四、其他少见原因 赘生物阻塞瓣口
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Various causes Graves disease: 85% Autonomous toxic adenomas of the thyroid: Plummer's disease or toxic multinodular
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Digestive System Can you enjoy your life without your digestive system?
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一、 有机磷农药特性(Specific Properties) 1.化学基本结构(Chemical basic structure) 2.理化特性(Physical and Chemical Property)
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心(血管)内膜(瓣膜)感染 急性 (AIE):毒力强,病程短,中毒症状明显 亚急性(SIE, SBE):毒力低,病程长 自体瓣膜感染:native valve endocarditis 人工瓣膜感染:prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) 右心瓣膜感染性心内膜炎 right heart valve endocarditis: drug abuse, AIDS, catheterization
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Background Sedative-hypnotics are a group of drugs that cause CNS depression. Benzodiazepines (BZD) barbiturates nonbarbiturate nonbenzodiazepine sedative￾hypnotics (NBNB) the most commonly used agents
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1.Definition It is directly caused by chronic alterations in pulmonary circulation or chronic chest diseases that lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension, right ventricular enlargement, even right heart failure
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Summarization Definition: serum total bilirubin (STB) > 34µmol/L, causing a yellow color of skin, sclera and tissue fluid Latent icterus: an increase of STB but not more than 34µmol/L, without color changes of skin and sclera False jaundice: yellow skin and sclera but without hyperbilirubinemia, due to ingestion of some drugs and foods
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