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正确认识系统设计的基本原则掌握简单任 务分析的一般流程,尝试自己制定方案; 对所举应用实例能消化理解,对部分模块能独立编程实现
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一、C-51的数据类型和存储类型; 二、指针和中断的使用; 三、通过实例消化理解C-51的编程方法; 四、尝试将实验课中的ASM-51程序转为C-51程序
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键盘接口(键盘种类矩阵键盘的行扫描与 线反转法的电路、原理与编程); D/A转换接口(DAC0832产生各种波形); AD转换接口(ADC0809三种读取方式电路 及单路采集与多路采集编程应用)
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单片机本身资源不足以满足应用需求的情况下, 必须借助外部器件对系统进行扩展 主要介绍:并口、RAM、ROM、键盘、LED DAC、ADC等接口的扩展与应用 其中涉及到6264、2764、74LS373 74LS244、74LS245、8255、8155 DAC0832、ADC0809等芯片
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Progress reports are essential Often part of Provide precise scheduled deliverables technical description Maintain contact with of work as project funding Sources develops and/or industry partners, and changes
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Introduction A primary goal of your efforts in this course will be to gather empirical data so as to prove(or disprove) your hypothesis Typically the data that you gather will not directly satisfy this goal Rather, it will be necessary to \reduce\the data. to put it into an appropriate form, so that you can
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Quick review 1. Show the reader what s/he needs to see 2. Plan the sequence and directionality 3. Think about the focal point of the graphic 4. Integrate labels units of measurement. and information
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To create effective parts/whole or process graphics 1. Show the reader what s/he needs to see. Choose appropriate type of graphic For example, what is the difference between a photo and a drawing?
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Experiment Step Experiment produces \raw data? In measured units(volts, seconds, Ibs, .... Organization determined by recording method (notebook, tabular form, database,....) · Take data early to check-out- experiment Do some \quick data reduction/analysis\ during
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TOPICS TO BE COVERED Why do error analysis? If we don't ever know the true value, how do we estimate the error in the true value? Error propagation in the measurement chain How do errors combine? (How do they behave in general?)
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