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or Circuit analysis and Design gregory rollins uction. DC(Steady-State) Analysis. AC Analysis. Transient Process and device simulation Process simulation associates. Inc. Peter Bendix 13.2 Parameter Extraction for Analog Circuit Simulation Introduction. MOS DC Models. BSIM Extraction Strategy in LSI Logic Corp
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19.1 Digital Signal Processing in Audio and Electroacoustics Bell Laboratories Steerable Microphone Arrays. Digital Hearing Aids.Spatial Processing. Audio Coding. Echo Cancellation Active Noise Sanjay K.Mehta and Sound Control NUWC Detachment 19.2 Underwater Acoustical Signal Processings G. Clifford Carter
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Computer networks are geographically distributed collections of communication links and switching proces￾sors, the purpose of which is to transport data between computers, workstations, and terminals. In general the elements of a computer network must follow compatible rules of operation together to function effectively. These rules of operation are known as protocols
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The term computer graphics refers to the generation,representation, manipulation, processing, and display of data by a computer. Computer-generated images may be real or imagined, animated or still, two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D).Today most computers, particularly those in the PC,Macintosh, or workstation categories
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The last decade has seen a revolution in software engineering tools and techniques. This revolution has been fueled by the ever-increasing complexity of the software component of delivered systems. Although the software component of delivered systems may not be the most expensive component, it is usually, however, “in series” with the hardware component; if the software doesn’t work, the hardware is useless
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Input devices are those portions of computer, data processing, and information systems that perform the essential function of providing some means for entering commands and data into the system. Therefore, input devices are found in all such systems, but are treated here as a separate equipment group, independent of the
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72.1 B-ISDN Manfred N.Huber B-ISDN Services and Applications- Asynchronous Transfer Mode.Transmission of B-ISDN Signals.ATM Adaptation Siemens Layer. B-ISDN Signaling J.N.Daigle 72.2 Computer Communication Networks Commun University of Mississippi General Networking Concepts Computer Con ication Network Architecture. Local-Area- Networks and Internetssome Joseph Bannister Additional Recent Developments University of Southern 72.3 Local-Area Networks
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The true language of computers is a stream of 1s and 0s—bits. Everything in the computer, be it numbers or text or program, spreadsheet or database or 3-D rendering, is nothing but an array of bits. The meaning of the bits is in the “eye of the beholder”; it is determined entirely by context. Bits are not a useful medium for human consumption. Instead, we insist that what we read be formatted spatially and presented
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Positional and Polynomial Representations • Unsigned Binary Number System • Unsigned Binary-Coded Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Octal Systems • Conversion between Number Systems • Signed Binary Numbers • Floating-Point Number Systems 86.2 Computer Arithmetic Number Representation • Algorithms for Basic Arithmetic
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Linear Transversal Equalizers Nonlinear Equalizers. Linear 70.3 Receivers. Nonlinear Receivers 70.3 Spread Spectrum Communications Brief History Why Spread Spectrum? Basic Concepts and M. K. Simon Terminology. Spread Spectrum Techniques. Applications of Jet Propulsion Laboratory Spread Spectrum 70.1 Error Control Coding Richard C. Dorf and Zhen Wan Error correcting codes may be classified into two broad categories: block codes and tree codes. A block code
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