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第一节常规杂交育种的意义和杂交方式 第二节有性杂交技术 第三节杂交后代的选择
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1. Sexual Reproduction 2. Modes of pollination 3.(1) Self-pollinated plants 4.(2)Cross-pollinated plants 5. 3)Often cross-pollinated plants
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一、多数为草本,具根状茎、鳞茎、球茎 二、茎直立或攀援状
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一、多年生草本或亚灌木。 二、花大而美丽,单生枝顶或有时成束,红、黄、白、紫各色;
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1. What is Selection Breeding? Conception: p.63. 123 ie. Pedigree Breeding系统育种 Pure line Breeding纯系育种 Bulk- -selection Breeding( Mass selection,混合选择
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3.1 Overview of nitrogen in the biosphereand in plants
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2.1 Overview of diffusive and convective transport in plants 2.1.1 Diffusion and convection are the basis for solute transport. Diffusion: An independent movement of molecules driven by aconcentration gradient
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1.1 Overview of Photosynthesis 1.1.1 Photosynthesis is a biological oxidation-reduction process. Reaction 1.1: Photosynthesis CO2+2H2A→(
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一、 Concept of propagation 由旧个体产生新个体的现象叫繁殖。繁殖可以分 (一) vegetative propagation营养繁殖:扦插、压条、嫁接和分株; (二) asexual reproduction无性生殖(孢子生殖);
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