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LTE/OFDM 小区内信道调度问题 MaxWeight策略及直觉性改进 RFDO及其充分条件 TO及其充分条件 同时达到RFDO和TO的调度算法 小结与展望
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电子科技大学:《信号检测与估计 Signal Detection and Estimation》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Introduction、Chapter 01 Preparations
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5.5 The optimum digital detector in additive Gaussian noise 5.6 Filtering alternatives 5.7 Continuous signals - White Gaussian noise 5.8 Continuous signals - Colored Gaussian noise 5.9 Performance of binary receivers in AWGN 5.11 Sequential detection & performance
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7.1 Chapter highlights 7.2 Unknown phase 7.3 Unknown phase and amplitude 7.4 Diversity approaches & performances
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10.1 Chapter highlights • Parameter estimation problem formulation • Properties of estimators • Bayes estimation • Minimax estimation • Maximum-likelihood estimation • Comparison of estimators of parameters 10.2 Formulation of the general parameter estimation problem 10.3 Types of estimation problems 10.5 Properties of estimators 10.6 Bayes estimation 10.7 Minimax estimation 10.8 Maximum-likelihood estimation
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Introduction Warming Up - Review
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Signal Model Matched Filter Review: NP theorem Development of the Detector Performance of Matched Filter Generalized Matched Filter Multiple Signal M-ary Detector
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