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Chapter Objective: This chapter continues discussion of international capital markets with a discussion of the structure of the international bond market
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses currency and interest rateswaps, which are relatively new instruments forhedging long-term interest rate risk and foreignexchange risk
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses various issues associated with foreign direct investments by MNCs, which play a key role in shaping the nature of the emerging global economy
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses the cost of capital for the multinational firm
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Chapter objective This chapter discusses the impact that unanticipatedchanges in exchange rates may have on theconsolidated financial statements of the multinationalcompany
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses various methods available forthe management of transaction exposure facingmultinational firms
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Chapter Objectives: This chapter provides a way to measure economic exposure, discusses its determinants, and presents methods for managing and hedging economic exposure
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses exchange-traded currency futures contracts, options contracts and options on currency futures
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第一节 国际直接投资的动机与投资方式的选择 第二节 国际直接投资环境评析 第三节 国际投资的纳税因素分析 第四节 国际投资的项目的财务决策
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:190KB 文档页数:61
第一节 国际贸易外汇收支结算方式 第二节 国际贸易外汇收支结算中的风险 第三节 国际贸易外汇收支效益分析
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